Migrate from Tessie To Teslamate

3 steps to migrate all your Tessie data to Teslamate

  1. Export Tessie data from this page on your desktop.
    • All of your data will be compiled and compressed and Tessie will email you a link to download it.
    • This dataset will take time to generate and will be extremely large.
  2. Import your Tessie export on this page
    • We’ll compile CSV files in a format compatible with the existing Teslmate import
    • You can directly use the Tessie export file.
  3. Once the file is downloaded, follow this procedure to import it to your Teslamate
    • Make a backup of your data before starting the import of the downloaded file.
    • All imports are deleted every day

In all transparency, you can consult here the query which allows to create the compatible CSV by clicking here.

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